Virtual Session Preparation

Teletherapy sessions offer the convenience of seeing your therapist and receiving care from the comfort of your own home.  Despite the perks, having sessions remotely can sometimes affect our ability to be fully present during session time.  Below are a few helpful tips to help you prepare for your virtual session so that you can get the most of your virtual sessions:

  • When possible, choose a regular day and time for your sessions. Consistency is key!  Having a recurring appointment time set will help establish a routine around your treatment. Getting into the habit of trying to “squeeze it in” can lead to you missing it altogether!
  • Minimize distractions. Before your session starts, turn off notifications on any devices that may go off. Let the other folks you’re sharing space with know that you will need to be uninterrupted for the next hour. This is your time!
  • Choose a space that is conducive to processing and sharing comfortably. You want to be able to speak freely and engage in your sessions to the full extent. Headphones are recommended in shared spaces.
  • Ensure that your space is well lit so that your therapist can see your lovely face! Cameras on!
  • Check your internet connection and make sure that it is strong and stable. Minimize use of other programs so your computer or device is running at maximum efficiency for the session.
  • Have tissues nearby. Sessions bring up a range of emotions that are all healthy and appropriate to experience. Give yourself space to process and feel!
  • Have a pen and paper handy for activities, writing or note-taking as needed.
  • Enter with an open mind and heart. Feel free express your truth and know that the virtual space between you and your therapist is judgment-free and safe! – even if your living space does not always feel that way.

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